Pia Sillem’s beautifully wrought ceramic pieces celebrate the form, composition, and slow, deliberate movement of the natural world around us. Her sculptures take the deeply familiar forms of young leaves unfurling, old leaves curling, of seeds and seed pods. We are reminded of the symmetry in life cycles, from beginning to end. Her vessels and vases are elegant and earthy at the same time, swelling and narrowing with an organic ease. And her beautiful urns are spare but comfortingly solid, in lovely natural tones, with just a hint of detail.

Pia Sillem’s studio and gallery are located at the North end of the Sechelt Peninsula in Earl’s Cove of the Sunshine Coast in British Columbia, Canada. The gallery is open for viewing at certain times of the year by appointment.
5474 Jervis Inlet Road, Earls Cove | 604.883.2299 | info@piasillem.com